About Us:

About Association


Advocates' Association, High court of judicature at Allahabad came to existence on 30.07.1994, where in the advocates unanimously agreed to form an Association of the Advocates practicing in the high court of judicature at Allahabad, finding the present Allahabad high court bar association in fact, not serving the needs of the members properly and acting against the objects of the bar association. they further resolved that the standard, respect and honour of the advocates practising in the high court of judicature at Allahabad should be such which should attain that place of honour and respectability which they once possessed, and if not more, such as it was in the times of sir Tej Bahadur Sapru, Dr. Narayan Prasad Asthana, Pandit Kanhaiya Lal Misra and Munshi Ambika prasad. the meeting further felt that they should try to carry the honour and prestige to still greater heights, and in order to attain that object they have decided to form another association. hence they have agreed to constitute an association of the advocates practising in the high court of judicature at allahabad..

Name of the Association


1. Name of the Association: the name of the association will be "advocates' association, high court, allahabad."
2. Address: The address of the Association will be "premises of the high court of judicature at allahabad."
3. Area of Operation: the area of operation of the association shall be the high court of judicature at allahabad, and its activities will have effect and repercussions in the whole of uttar pradesh.
4.Aims and objects of the association : the aims and objects of the association are as follows :-
5. To maintain the highest degree of standard as was desired of an advocate throughout the international world.
6.To promote good-will among the advocates.
7.To achieve methods to maintain cordial relationship between the bench and the bar.
8.To conform to the highest traditions as is expected of the members of the bar. to create such standards of the profession which will be worthy of, and expected by the public from, the members of the high court bar. to educate those members of the bar who wish to enter the profession as beginners, and to inculcate in their juniors and new entrants such training as would be helpful to them in achieving a professional career .